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Are u talkin to me? Cause I'm not talkin to you. I don't know who are you, but I just want to share plenty stories and trashy stories. so just enjoy it and be patience to read my long trashy stories :o

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Open Your Inspiration

Open your mind, and search inspirations here (click!)
gue nemu di majalah tauga namanya apa? namanya Acclaim Street Style Magazine sumpah bagi gue sih sampah, soalnya bayangin 160.000 buat yang isinya tuh cuman begituan doang, yg web web oohh fashion mags tuh emg kaya gitu ya? maaf deh gatau. tapi ya hmm lumayanlah, gue paling suka sih pas bagian yg wawancarain JeremyVille itu, tau videoclipnya gorrillaz kan? naah itu dia yang buat loh. these are two of my favorites

terus ini juga ada nemu gatau deh jeremy apa bukan tapi keren deh

keren yakan? tapi ga sampe melted. byeee, gigi gue dicabut satu loh. pas mau dicabut nangis-nangis ketakutan haha.